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JLT2 stats and hype team 2019

With thanks to DFS Australia, Warnie puts together a team based on the numbers from the JLT Series.

The second weekend of the JLT series is completed with plenty of numbers floating around to get us excited … and stuffing up our teams. Remember, #StayStrongJLT.

With thanks to our mate Morts at, we have some interesting tables with data from the last few days. Make sure you follow @DFSAustralia on Twitter for more information as the JLT continues and throughout the season proper.

Top 25 scorers of JLT2

Player NameTeamPosPriceTOG%JLT2
Tom RockliffPORTMID60000087178
Adam TreloarCOLLMID78700075140
Angus BrayshawMELBMID76300074139
Matt CrouchADELMID76100073139
Joel SelwoodGEELMID73200079136
Jack CrispCOLLDEF63500078135
Stephen ConiglioGWSMID80100076128
Dom SheedWCEMID53900080123
Steele SidebottomCOLLMID75000088120
Willie RioliWCEFWD39100074120
Josh DunkleyWBMID/FWD69500075119
Brad CrouchADELMID52400079118
Tom PapleySYDFWD45200076118
Rory SloaneADELMID65300069114
Peter WrightGCFCFWD45900078114
Jarryd LyonsBLMID68900085113
Aaron vandenBergMELBMID/FWD40500079113
Brayden FioriniGCFCMID66500076112
Travis BoakPORTFWD63300084112
Trent CotchinRICHMID58100069111
Rowan MarshallSTKFWD51200086111
Paul SeedsmanADELMID57700082110
Max GawnMELBRUC80800086109
Jack DarlingWCEFWD55700084109
George HewettSYDMID47800080109

Top 25 averaging players of the JLT Series

Player NameTeamPosPriceJLT1JLT2Avg
Jamie MacmillanNMFCDEF530000145145
Angus BrayshawMELBMID763000150139144.5
Adam TreloarCOLLMID787000140140
Stephen ConiglioGWSMID801000147128137.5
Dom SheedWCEMID539000136123129.5
Tim TarantoGWSMID660000140105122.5
Matt CrouchADELMID761000104139121.5
Tom RockliffPORTMID60000060178119
Steele SidebottomCOLLMID750000113120116.5
Brad CrouchADELMID524000114118116
Jack CrispCOLLDEF63500095135115
Aaron vandenBergMELBMID/FWD405000113113
Rory SloaneADELMID653000110114112
Rowan MarshallSTKFWD512000111111
Clayton OliverMELBMID792000120100110
Jack MacraeWBMID89000013189110
Max GawnMELBRUC808000109109
Jack DarlingWCEFWD557000107109108
Patrick DangerfieldGEELMID/FWD771000108105106.5
Bryce GibbsADELMID753000106106
Jaeger O'MearaHAWMID695000106106
Jarryd LyonsBLMID68900099113106
Mitch WallisWBMID/FWD59500012288105
Scott PendleburyCOLLMID73800011791104
Jack SteeleSTKMID685000101107104

Best 25 value players of the JLT Series

Player NameTeamPosPrice$/PtJLT
Harrison JonesHAWDEF170000215279
Bailey ScottNMFCMID174000238473
Noah BaltaRICHFWD170000241170.5
Charlie ConstableGEELMID170000250068
Will GoldsHAWMID170000253767
Willem DrewPORTMID/FWD170000257666
Zac ClarkeESSRUC2700002596104
Gryan MiersGEELFWD170000274262
Sam WalshCARLMID270000296791
Jack PetruccelleWCEFWD170000309155
Jarrod BranderWCEFWD170000309155
Jack ScrimshawHAWDEF203000309965.5
Tom AtkinsGEELMID170000317853.5
Zak ButtersPORTMID248000326376
Will SetterfieldCARLMID/FWD251000330376
Michael GibbonsCARLMID170000336650.5
Mitch LewisHAWFWD170000340050
Xavier DuursmaPORTMID/DEF236000342069
James CousinsHAWMID329000342796
Marty HoreMELBDEF170000350548.5
Will HayesWBMID170000350548.5
Oliver HanrahanHAWFWD170000350548.5
Jordan ClarkGEELDEF242000350769
Francis WatsonWCEDEF170000357947.5
Aaron vandenBergMELBMID/FWD4050003584113

Best 25 points per minute of the JLT Series

Player NameTeamPosPriceTOG%
Angus BrayshawMELBMID76300071.5144.51.66
Adam TreloarCOLLMID787000751401.56
Stephen ConiglioGWSMID80100079137.51.51
Rory SloaneADELMID653000681121.44
Dylan ClarkeESSMID2500007121.42
Matt CrouchADELMID76100075121.51.41
Dom SheedWCEMID53900075.5129.51.4
Jamie MacmillanNMFCDEF530000881451.36
Tom RockliffPORTMID60000073.51191.34
Todd GoldsteinNMFCRUC678000621001.33
Jake LloydSYDDEF73800065991.33
Zac WilliamsGWSDEF42100053801.32
Brad CrouchADELMID524000771161.31
Tim TarantoGWSMID66000082.5122.51.29
Jack CrispCOLLDEF63500073.51151.28
Karl AmonPORTMID45400048.5731.25
Joel SelwoodGEELMID73200065.5981.25
Bryce GibbsADELMID753000741061.24
Brett DeledioGWSMID55900052741.24
Clayton OliverMELBMID792000751101.2
Jaeger O'MearaHAWMID695000731061.18
Patrick DangerfieldGEELMID/FWD77100077106.51.16
Brodie SmithADELDEF43900071.5941.15
Ryan BastinacBLMID43200045.565.51.15
Callan WardGWSMID70300047621.15

Click here to access DFS Australia’s pre-season stats.

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Pulling the data of the best value players, top scores from the two weeks and points per TOG, I’ve put together a team that follows a structure that a coach may employ for this year.

There were no hard and fast rules in putting this team together. Some of the thinking revolves around players who performed well in both games or had a beast score in one of them. They may not have even scored massively, but they could have been on track to (ie. Zac Williams… even if he is probably lucky to make this as he played half a game, but hey, this is me picking this). The other thing is that you can’t have them all. So many different options could have been stacked through the midfield for one reason or another.

Most of the rookies are a chance to pay round one – and this was thinking around who got where on the ground (Matthew Parker looks a more likely option to play round one over the bench guys). We’ll have some things to think about with Fry’s Cash Cows that will be coming to DT Talk in the next few days. Stay tuned for that!

This team would have racked up 2654 by taking the best scores from the two rounds – a nice bump due to Rocky being captain in JLT2! Balta’s score would have been taken over Parker’s just to make it bigger. The team has $92k in the bank.

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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