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Write about your club for DT TALK

We are looking for people to write about their Club (or one you know a bit about) for this here website! Read on to see what we’d like to see and how you will be rewarded if you are published!

We’re not experts on all of the clubs in the AFL and judging by a lot of the commentary on DT TALK, there are plenty of people who know what they’re on about! So if you are someone who ‘knows what they’re on about’, we want you to write an article about your club (or another club you know a bit about).

Basically what we want is a bit of an opening blurb about the club and how they look like they’ll do in 2011, what impact their byes have and what fantasy potential they have (plus any other stuff – like new coaches, players, etc). Then break it down into positions:

  • Defenders
  • Midfielders
  • Rucks
  • Forwards

Name up players who have fantasy relevance over each position, which rookies might get a game, who you should get on, who you should avoid, injuries, put in stats, etc. It’s up to you how to write it! Feel free to reference other articles found on the net (especially preseason reports on the AFL, Herald Sun, The Age website and other forums).

We’ll insert prices, images and tidy it all up before we publish it… giving you all of the credit! This will be a fantastic resource for people to check out over the preseason, so think about what you’d like to see in an article and go with that!

The articles will be published on from February 2nd (two per day).

If we publish your article, we’ll send you an exclusive DT TALK stubby holder and the 2 articles which have the most “Facebook Likes” (as seen at the top of the page) at 11:59pm on February 18th will receive a 2011 AFL Prospectus.

Email your completed article and postal address by January 27th to: …of course, replace that ‘at’ with the @ symbol!

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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